Problem Solved
I was told about a company that needed a tool like this but had to get it out sourced so I decided to attempt an application like that. This app is capable of extracting large amounts of information from many documents at once. Its useful to companies who deal with alot of PDFs and need that information loaded into a database.
Technologies Used
The front-end of this app is done with google's angular framework. It works by converting PDF's to jpgs then cropping out the specified zones before sending them to a server where the information is extracted and sent to a database. It then comes back to the front-end and is put into a table where is can be downloaded as a .csv file.
Challenges Faced
This was definitly the most complex project I've attempted by far so as you can imagine there were many challanges that I faced during this. Most of them included the difference between js and ts. I had many syntax errors that were really frustrating but I eventually got through it. It was also my first time using Angular and I've grown to love it.
Lessons Learned
Before I started this project I never really thought much about angular or most front-end frameworks actually. However during this I learned that these frameworks are not only extremely powerfull but also simple and intuitive to use.